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An install level of 0 will disable an item and prevent its display.ExtendedTypeMinValueThe numeric custom action type info flags.OSISComponentExtendedFilterPropertybitwise addition of OSsProperty to set if you want to filter a componentAction_ISCustomActionReferenceFileTypeContents of the file speciifed in ISCAReferenceFilePath. This column is only used by MSI.Foreign key into theICustomAction table.file type of the file specified ISCAReferenceFilePath. This column is only used by MSI..:ALLUSE~1|All UsersTARGETDIRALLUSERSPROFILE.INSTALLDIR.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930ESourceDir.:USERPR~1|UserProfileUSERPROFILERegistry73.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930E{C0BE7586-C60F-47B7-853B-00668DE8D388}Policies.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930E[IS_PREVENT_DOWNGRADE_EXIT]ISPreventDowngrade[%SystemRoot]\Profiles\All UsersSetAllUsersProfileNT[%ALLUSERSPROFILE]setAllUsersProfile2K[%USERPROFILE]setUserProfileNT_04074EB4_22D1_40C7_ACD4_89F6366F3028_FILTERDpPolicies_OTW.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930EVersionNT = 400VersionNT >= 500CostFinalizeVersionNT1.0.1#1AllowFPRedirectSOFTWARE\DigitalPersona\Policies\Default#5LockoutResetRegistry100.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930E#0Mask˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙OTIDataRegistry101.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930E#20RandomPasswordLengthRegistry102.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930EForceAuthOnServerRegistry103.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930EForbidFPCompressionRegistry106.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930E*SOFTWARE\DigitalPersona\PoliciesRegistry107.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930EAllowFPRegistrationRegistry74.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930E#100000FalseAcceptRateRegistry77.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930ERegTemplateTypeRegistry78.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930E#10MaxNumberOfFingerprintsRegistry79.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930EMultiTemplateIdentificationRegistry80.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930ENetworkSupportRegistry81.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930ECredentialsCachingRegistry82.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930EUserCacheSizeRegistry83.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930ELogEventsLevelRegistry84.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930ELogonPolicyFpRequiredRegistry85.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930ELogonPolicyPwdNotAllowedRegistry86.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930ELogonPolicyPinRequiredRegistry87.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930ELogonPolicyFpUnlockSmartcardRegistry88.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930E#50KioskListSizeRegistry89.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930EKioskAdminsOnlyIndividualLogonRegistry90.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930EUseDynamicDnsRegistry91.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930E#1800DnsRefreshIntervalRegistry92.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930E#100SrvWeightRegistry93.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85turning iesBadActionData.Default language ID for module (may be changed by transform).VolumeLabelThe label attributed to the volume.File sequence number for the last file for this media.BillboardDefault decimal language of module.Component contained in the module.Action to insertBillboard_Before (0) or After (1)Module containing the component.Base action to determine insert location.RegistryStandard Sequence numberInteger containing bit flags representing patch attributesPrimary key, non-localized token, foreign key to File table, must match identifier in cabinet.RootReference to the entry in this table specifying the default parent directory. A record parented to itself or with a Null parent represents a root of the install tree.Unique identifier for directory entry, primary key. If a property by this name is defined, it contains the full path to the directory.The default sub-path under parent's path.Expression which must evaluate to TRUE in order for install to commence.ModuleConfigurationTextStyleColorFaceNameTableTypeColumnYDescription_ValidationTextFileSFPCatalogFile associated with the catalogThe predefined root key for the registry value, one of rrkEnum.RegPathActionThe key for the registry value.TemplateSFPCatalog_SFPCatalogConditionFile name for the catalog.SequenceCatalogParent catalog - only used by SFPSFP CatalogPropertyDependencySignature_AttributesPrimary key, non-localized token.HeightCatalog associated with the fileWidthXVersion string for versioned files; Blank for unversioned files.CCPSearchSize of patch in bytes (long integer).PatchSizeFeature_Binary stream. The patch header, used for patch validation.OrderingBinaryHeaderDigitalCertificate_File_FileNullableA combination of style bits.Primary key, sequence with respect to the media images; order must track cabinet order.The size of the font used. This size is given in our units (1/12 of the system font height). Assuming that the system font is set to 12 point size, this is equivalent to the point size.ValueHeight of the bounding rectangle of the control.Width of the bounding rectangle of the control.0;1;2;4;5;6;8;9;10;16;17;18;20;21;22;24;25;26;32;33;34;36;37;38;48;49;50;52;53;54Component_ComponentFeature attributesUpperCaseInstallShieldKeyTableMaxValueKeyColumnName of tableMaximum value allowedComponentIdFor foreign key, Name of table to which data must linkY;N;@Name of columnWhether the column is nullableMinimum value allowedColumn to which foreign key connectsDirectory_DirectoryText;Formatted;Template;Condition;Guid;Path;Version;Language;Identifier;Binary;UpperCase;LowerCase;Filename;Paths;AnyPath;WildCardFilename;RegPath;KeyFormatted;CustomSource;Property;Cabinet;Shortcut;URLKeyPathString categorySet of values that are permittedDescription of columnLevelNSetCategoryIdentifierVersion of the module.Module identifier (String.GUID).A string indicating the name of the font used. Required. The string must be at most 31 characters long.Name of the style. The primary key of this table. This name is embedded in the texts to indicate a style change.A long integer indicating the color of the string in the RGB format (Red, Green, Blue each 0-255, RGB = R + 256*G + 256^2*B).CustomActionTable name to ignore during merge operation.SourceTargetTitleMessageDefaultDirDirectory_ParentNumber that determines the sort order in which the actions are to be executed. Leave blank to suppress action.MediaThe property defining the location of the cabinet file.CabinetIf some or all of the files stored on the media are compressed in a cabinet, the name of that cabinet.DiskIdPrimary key, integer to determine sort order for table.FeatureComponentsList of decimal language Ids, comma-separated if more than one.FileNameFileSizeLanguagePrimary key used to identify a particular feature record.External key to the Billboard table, name of the billboard.VersionExcecution parameter, depends on the type of custom actionThe table reference of the source of the code.Primary key, name of action, normally appears in sequence table unless private use.CustomSourceKeyA 32-bit word that specifies the attribute flags to be applied to this control.Name of the control. This name must be unique within a billboard, but can repeat on different billboard.Localizable text to display when condition fails and install must abort.InstallUISequenceLaunchConditionHashCertDataA certificate context blob for a signer certificateThe encoded hash blob from the digital signatureDigitalCertificateForeign key to MsiDigitalCertificate table identifying the signer certificateA unique identifier for the rowMsiDigitalSignatureReference to another table name (only Media table is supported)SignObjectForeign key into Feature table.MsiDigitalCertificateForeign key to Media tableThe registry value name.The registry value.Foreign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the installing of the registry value.PatchName of action to invoke, either in the engine or the handler DLL.Optional expression which skips the action if evaluates to expFalse.If the expression syntax is invalid, the engine will terminate, reNameModuleSubstitutionSizeStyleBitsBaseActionAfterModuleComponentsModuleIDModuleIgnoreTableModuleInstallUISequenceModuleSignatureForeign key into Component table.Integer error number, obtained from header file IError(...) macros.Error formatting template, obtained from user ed. or localizers.ErrorThe numeric custom action type, consisting of source location, code type, entry, option flags.Disk name: the visible text actually printed on the disk. This will be used to prompt the user when this disk needs to be inserted.DiskPromptLastSequenceA conditional statement that will disable this component if the specified condition evaluates to the 'True' state. If a component is disabled, it will not be installed, regardless of the 'Action' state associated with the component.File;Registry;ODBCDataSourceEither the primary key into the File table, Registry table, or ODBCDataSource table. This extract path is stored when the component is installed, and is used to detect the presence of the component and to return the path to it.Primary key used to identify a particular component record.Required key of a Directory table record. This is actually a property name whose value contains the actual path, set either by the AppSearch action or with the default setting obtained from the Directory table.A string GUID unique to this component, version, and language.Remote execution option, one of irsEnumOptional key of a parent record in the same table. If the parent is not selected, then the record will not be installed. Null indicates a root item.Feature_ParentNumeric sort order, used to force a specific display ordering.Horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the control.An external key to the Feature Table. The billboard is shown only if this feature is being installed.Longer descriptive text describing a visible feature item.Name of the billboard.A positive integer. If there is more than one billboard corresponding to an action they will be shown in the order defined by this column.The name of an action. The billboard is displayed during the progress messages received from this action.Vertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the control.A string used to set the initial text contained within a control (if appropriate).Name of property, uppercase if settable by launcher or loader.The type of the control.BBControlString value for property. Never null or empty.The Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature, RegLocator, IniLocator, CompLocator and the DrLocator tables.Signature;RegLocator;IniLocator;DrLocator;CompLocatorGuidFeatureFormattedForeign key referencing Component that controls the file.FilenamePrimary key, non-localized token, must match identifier in cabinet. For uncompressed files, this field is ignored.Integer containing bit flags representing file attributes (with the decimal value of each bit position in parentheses)Sequence with respect to the media images; order must track cabinet order.Size of file in bytä8   ?   !    ! A & ;Wš0/Q       6$  Ę O 0 gp} , o7f7? 9;:.S OhH30M? nBŸ= #6 #"  ):^Ś†)H     !C@^„  čă;Ň>'”>Xe:ŠiVR> 0ž5 9svJ%c.k * 1Y(X /  /&-" ,3   ( 0 0000 0/////// ////// // // / /// ///               4DD1930ESrvPriorityRegistry94.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930EAutoSiteCoverageRegistry95.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930EUseDomainRecordRegistry96.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930ESiteCoverageRegistry97.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930E#30LockoutDurationRegistry98.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930ELockoutThresholdRegistry99.5874B3D1_C491_445E_BEF4_37B85DD1930EArialArial8Arial9ArialBlue10ArialBlueStrike10Courier NewCourierNew8CourierNew9MS GothicMSGothic9MS Sans SerifMSSGreySerif8TahomaMSSWhiteSerif8MSSansBold8MSSansSerif8MSSansSerif9Tahoma10Tahoma8Tahoma9TahomaBold10TahomaBold8Times New RomanTimes8Times9TimesItalic12TimesItalicBlue10TimesRed16This is the primary key to the ISDIMDependency tableISDIMReference_ISDIMDependencythe UUID identifying the required DIMRequiredUUIDthe major version identifying the required DIMRequiredMajorVersionthe minor version identifying the required DIMRequiredMinorVersionthe build version identifying the required DIMRequiredBuildVersionthe revision version identifying the required DIMRequiredRevisionVersionFull path, the category is of Text instead of Path because of potential use of path variables.ISBuildSourcePathISDIMReferenceThis is the primary key to the ISDIMReference tableForeign key into ISDIMReference table.ISDIMReference_ParentISDIMReferenceDependenciesForeign key into ISDIMDependency table.ISDIMDependency_Name of a variable defined in the .dim fileISDIMVariableType of the variable. 0: Build Variable, 1: Runtime VariableThis is the primary key to the ISDIMVariable tableNew value that you want to override withNewValue.htm Custom Action Information

Custom Action Information

Action Name





Prevents an old package from installing over a newer version.

Custom Action Information

Custom Action Information

Action Name





Initializes the ALLUSERSPROFILE directory identifier for Windows NT 4.

Custom Action Information

Custom Action Information

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Initializes the ALLUSERSPROFILE directory identifier for Windows 2000 or later.

Custom Action Information

Custom Action Information

Action Name





Initializes the USERPROFILE directory indentifier.

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The bits to stream to the support locationDisplay_NameISSetupTypeISSetupType_ISSetupTypeFeaturesForeign key into ISSetupType table.Property nameISVirtualDirectoryProperty valueForeign key into Directory table.Foreign key into File table.ISVirtualFileRegistry_ISVirtualPackageISVirtualRegistryForeign key into Registry table.ISRelease_ISVirtualReleaseISProductConfiguration_Foreign key into ISProductConfiguration table.Foreign key into ISRelease table.Foreign key into Shortcut table.ISVirtualShortcutISIISCommon_ISWebSitePortIPSiteNumberWebSitePropsISXmlFile_ISXmlElementISXmlElement_ParentXPathContentInternal XML element attributesPrimary key, non-localized, internal token for Xml elementForeign key into XmlFile table.ISXmlFileForeign key into ISXMLElement table.XPath fragment including any operatorsElement contentsISXmlElement_ISXmlElementAttribLocalized attribute nameInternal XML elementattib attributesLocalized attribute valuePf the items within one list..The integers do not have to be consecutive.A named property to be tied to this item. All the items tied to the same property become part of the same listbox.ShowCmdExpression which must evaluate to TRUE in order for install to commence.Internal Name of the ServiceHashPart4WkDirHashPart3SignatureHashPart2LanguagesHashPart1MaxDateMsiFileHashMaxSizeHelpKeywordMaxVersionHelpLocationMinDateDefaultValueMinSizeContextDataMinVersionFormatModuleConfigurationTextStyleColorRowFaceNameModuleSubstitutionSizeFile_ApplicationStyleBitsFile_ManifestMsiAssemblyTypeLibMsiAssemblyNameActionPropertyRemoveVersionMaxExtensionVersionMinUpgradeCodeUITextUpgradeComponent_ApplicationVerbComponent_SharedCommandIsolatedComponentExpTypeComplusPatchCertificateModuleAdminExecuteSequenceBaseActionAfterModuleAdminUISequenceModuleAdvtExecuteSequenceModuleAdvtUISequenceModuleComponentsModuleIDModuleDependencyModuleLanguageRequiredIDRequiredLanguageRequiredVersionModuleExclusionExcludedIDExcludedLanguageExcludedMinVersionExcludedMaxVersionModuleIgnoreTableModuleInstallExecuteSequenceModuleInstallUISequenceModuleSignatureText used as registered name for data sourceThe value string associated with this button. Selecting the button will set the associated property to this value.The horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the radio button.Primary key. Context identifier, typically "type/format".Optional associated extension (without dot)Foreign key into Component table.Optional associated CLSID.The name of the control attribute, that is set when this event is received.Integer error number, obtained from header file IError(...) macros.The extension associated with the table row.Optional Context identifier, typically "type/format" associated with the extensionError formatting template, obtained from user ed. or localizers.An identifier that specifies the type of the event that the control subscribes to.A foreign key to the Dialog table, name of the Dialog.Optional ProgId associated with this extension.Unique identifier for the environmental variable settingSeverity of error if service fails to startA foreign key to the Dialog table, name of the dialog.A standard conditional statement that specifies under which conditions an event should be triggered.Primary key used to identify a particular file entryErrorThe name of the environmental value.The value to set in the environmental settings.Filename to be given to the duplicate file.Foreign key referencing the source file to be duplicated.Foreign key referencing Component that controls the duplicate file.The parent file signature. It is also a foreign key in the Signature table. If null and the Path column does not expand to a full path, then all the fixed drives of the user system are searched using the Path.Disk space to reserve if linked component is installed to run from the source location.The numeric custom action type, consisting of source location, code type, entry, option flags.Foreign key into the Component table.An identifier that specifies the type of the event that should take place when the user interacts with control specified by the first two entries.Primary key, could be foreign key into the Directory table.A foreign key to the Control table, name of the control.A standard conditional statement that specifies under which conditions the action should be triggered.The desired action to be taken on the specified control.Vertical position of the dialog on a 0-100 scale. 0 means top end, 100 means bottom end of the screen, 50 center.A text string specifying the title to be displayed in the title bar of the dialog's window.Horizontal position of the dialog on a 0-100 scale. 0 means left end, 100 means right end of the screen, 50 center.Height of the bounding rectangle of the dialog.Width of the bounding rectangle of the dialog.External key to the Dialog table, name of the dialog.A named property to be tied to this item. All the items tied to the same property become part of the same combobox.The help strings used with the button. The text is optional. A 32-bit word that specifies the attribute flags to be applied to this dialog.The name of an other control on the same dialog. This link defines the tab order of the controls. The links have to form one or more cycles!The visible text to be assigned to the item. Optional. If this entry or the entire column is missing, the text is the same as the value.Localized description for the Program identifier.The value string associated with this item. Selecting the line will set the associated property to this value.Binary stream. The binary icon data in PE (.DLL or .EXE) or icon (.ICO) format.The Program Identifier. Primary key.A positive integer used to determine the ordering of the items within one list. The integers do not have to be consecutive.The Parent Program Identifier. If specified, the ProgId column becomes a version independent prog id.Optional foreign key into the Icon Table, specifying the icon file associated with this ProgId. Will be written under the DefaultIcon key.The CLSID of an OLE factory corresponding to the ProgId.The languages supported by the file.Disk name: the visible text actually printed on the disk. This will be used to prompt the user when this disk needs to be inserted.The table key. The Signature represents a unique file signature.DiskPromptLastSequenceA conditional statement that will disable this component if the specified condition evaluates to the 'True' state. If a component is disabled, it will not be installed, regardless of the 'Action' state associated with the component.File;Registry;ODBCDataSourceEither the primary key into the File table, Registry table, or ODBCDataSource table. This extract path is stored when the component is installed, and is used to detect the presence of the component and to return the path to it.Primary key used to identify a particular component record.Optional icon index.Required key of a Directory table record. This is actually a property name whose value contains the actual path, set either by the AppSearch action or with the default setting obtained from the Directory table.A string GUID unique to this component, version, and language.Primary key. Name of the icon file.Disk space to reserve if linked component is installed locally.Optional foreign key into the Icon Table, specifying the icon file associated with this CLSID. Will be written under the DefaultIcon key.Remote execution option, one of irsEnumOptional string containing information for the HKCRthis CLSID) key. If multiple patterns exist, they must be delimited by a semicolon, and numeric subkeys will be generated: 0,1,2...Required foreign key into the Component Table, specifying the component for which to return a path when called through LocateComponent.optional argument for LocalServers.Optional AppID containing DCOM information for associated application (string GUID).Required foreign key into the Feature Table, specifying the feature to validate or install in order for the CLSID factory to be operational.Class registration attributes.Localized description for the Class.The value string associated with the item.A named property to be tied to the item.The CLSID of an OLE factory.Unique key identifying the binary data.Optional key of a parent record in the same table. If the parent is not selected, then the record will not be installed. Null indicates a root item.Feature_ParentNumeric sort order, used to force a specific display ordering.The unformatted binary data.Horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the control.An external key to the Feature Table. The billboard is shown only if this feature is being installed.Longer descriptive text describing a visible feature item.Name of the billboard.A positive integer. If there is more than one billboard corresponding to an action they will be shown in the order defined by this column.The name of an action. The billboard is displayed during the progress messages received from this action.Vertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the control.A string used to set the initial text contained within a control (if appropriate).String value for property. Never null or empty.The type of the control.BBControlName of property, uppercase if settable by launcher or loader.The property associated with a SignatureThe Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature, RegLocator, IniLocator, CompLocator and the DrLocator tables.Signature;RegLocator;IniLocator;DrLocator;CompLocatorGuidFeatureFormattedReference to a Feature entry in Feature table.Foreign key referencing Component that controls the file.PathsA list of ; delimited paths that represent the paths to be searched for the import DLLS. The list is usually a list of properties each enclosed within square brackets [] .FilenamePrimary key, non-localized token, must match identifier in cabinet. For uncompressed files, this field is ignored.The index into the File table. This must be an executable file.Integer containing bit flags representing file attributes (with the decimal value of each bit position in parentheses)Sequence with respect to the media images; order must track cabinet order.Size of file in bytes (long integer).File name used for installation, may be localized. This may contain a "short name|long name" pair.Short text identifying a visible feature item.The name of the Directory that can be configured by the UI. A non-null value will enable the browse button.DisplayThe install level at which record will be initially selected. An install level of 0 will disable an item and prevent it————————HHHHMMM˙˙˙˙˙˙   ]‚ƒž ¸$Y&*98b:)>Zk  '>l‡Ž‘8bËÎ ľ¸˛ľúü”qrOk ') 'WIUJM)>NVY OR™bkĽŞ   l ) ')#$ )ÇL >DHJĄ— >Ž–ĆŠŹk EI LNţ   ţ›› › ›››› ›››› ›››› ›› › › ›› ›› › ›››› ›››› ›››››››› › › ››››› ›› ››››› ››› ››› ››››› › › › › › › ›› ›››› ›› €€€€€€€€ü˙˙€€€€˙˙˙€€€ü˙˙€€€€€€€€€˙˙˙˙ €˙˙˙˙˙€˙€˙˙˙˙˙€˙˙˙˙˙€˙€˙€˙€˙€˙˙˙˙˙€€˙˙˙€˙€€˙€€˙€˙€˙˙˙˙˙€˙€˙€˙€˙€&Z›lZtlpll776™lł˙ ˙ €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ĄĄĄŁĄŁTžĄĄĄĄŁ 'ĄœĄĄĄĄËĄĄž8úĄĄĄ''ĄĄTTĄTĄĄĄĄžžĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ'ĄĄ#ĄĄĄoĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ‰j„Š”‹ˆ…“’ŒE(40•˜š§Ś¤ Š¨Ks}vyxuŔËžTşöű˙—o˜`=…†Ő*đTNLuKP_§MQ¨’Ž‘{|~!?ŹŻ¨a^“Ł´ Ś¤˘›Ł¤C@–“”"fh#mŤ­Ş‰ ‹v JKOPQý  ›Ł¤C@–“”"fh#mŤ­Ş‰ ‹v JKOPQFvGý  Ł´ Ś¤˘›Ł¤C@–“”"fh#mŤ­Ş‰ ‹v JKOPQ?@ABFvGý  ¤˘›Ł¤C@–“”"fh#mŤ­Ş‰ ‹v JKOPQ132,4?@ABFvGý  |~!?ŹŻ¨a^“Ł´ Ś¤˘›Ł¤C@–“”"fh#mŤ­Ş‰ ‹v JKOPQ=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ˘›Ł¤C@–“”"fh#mŤ­Ş‰ ‹v JKOPQ(*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  Ť­Ş‰ ‹v JKOPQ(*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  › ›››› ›››››››› › › ››››› ›› ››››› ››› ››› ››››› › › › › › › ››››››››› › ›› ››› › ››› ›› ›› ›››› ›› €€€€€€€€ü˙˙€€€€˙˙˙€€€ü˙˙€€€€€€€€€˙˙˙˙ €˙˙˙˙˙€˙€˙˙˙˙˙€˙˙˙˙˙€˙€˙€˙€˙€˙˙˙˙˙€€˙˙˙€˙€€˙€€˙€˙€˙˙˙˙˙€˙€˙€˙€˙€&Z›lZtlpll776™lłĺ+$l$l˙ ˙ €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ĄĄĄŁĄŁTžĄĄĄĄŁ 'ĄœĄĄĄĄËĄĄž8úĄĄĄ''ĄĄTTĄTĄĄĄĄžžĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ'ĄĄ#ĄĄĄoĄĄĄĄĄĄĄÇĄĄĄĄĄÇĄÇĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ‰j>„Š”‹ˆ…“’ŒE(40•˜š§Ś¤ Š¨Ks}vyxuŔËžTşöű˙—o˜`=…†Ő*đTNLuKP_§MQ¨’Ž‘{|~!?ŹŻ¨a^“Ł´ Ś¤˘›Ł¤C@–“”"fh#mŤ­Ş‰ ‹v JKOPQ  (*),-.=879:;1‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  šžęëíîěďšßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  }~€Œ‹Ž‘’“”•ç™›šœ– Š¨´š¸şÚšžęëíîěďšßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý  žó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  šßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  šßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  žó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  h%&"!!,-+.365478;9.<=@5A@D@5A@Dv JKOPQWYX[cfghidebll}~€Œ‹Ž‘’“”•ç™›šœ– Š¨´š¸şÚšžęëíîěďšßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  šßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@As display.DisplayResourceDLLDisplayResourceIdDescriptionResourceDLLDescriptionResourceIdExtendedType1;2;3Optional default inproc handler. Only optionally provided if Context=CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER. Typically "ole32.dll" or "mapi32.dll"The numeric server context for this server. CLSCTX_xxxxMsiPatchCertificateSDDLTextMinValueAliasThe numeric custom action type info flags.MsiLockPermissionsExMsiServiceConfigConfigTypeMsiServiceConfigFailureActionsResetPeriodRebootMessageActionsDelayActionsMsiShortcutPropertyShortcut_PropertyKeyPropVariantValueNumberCreateFolder;File;Registry;ServiceInstallExpression which must evaluate to TRUE in order for this set of permissions to be appliedForeign key into Registry, File, CreateFolder, or ServiceInstall tablePrimary key, non-localized tokenString to indicate permissions to be applied to the LockObjectFormattedSDDLTextRequired foreign key into the Component Table that controls the configuration of the serviceArgument(s) for service configuration. Value depends on the content ofBFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  žó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  šžęëíîěďšßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  šßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ‘’“”•ç™›šœ– Š¨´š¸şÚšžęëíîěďšßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  š¸şÚšžęëíîěďšßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  žó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  šßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  žó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý  š¸şÚšžęëíîěďšßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý      (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý  (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  š¸şÚšžęëíîěďšßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý  ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  šžęëíîěďšßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  šžęëíîěďšßŕäĺžó÷öüýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý  ?@ABFvGý  ýţ‹” `       (*),-.=879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;132,4?@ABFvGý  =879:;1 the ConfigType fieldBit field: 0x1 = Install, 0x2 = Uninstall, 0x4 = ReinstallService Configuration OptionTime in seconds after which to reset the failure count to zero. Leave blank if it should never be resetMessage to be broadcast to server users before rebootingCommand line of the process to CreateProcess function to executeA list of integer actions separated by [~] delimiters: 0 = SC_ACTION_NONE, 1 = SC_ACTION_RESTART, 2 = SC_ACTION_REBOOT, 3 = SC_ACTION_RUN_COMMAND. Terminate with [~][~]A list of derimary key, non-localized, internal token for Xml element attributeSelectionNamespacesEncodingInternal XML file attributesLocalized XML file namePrimary key, non-localized,internal token for Xml fileSelection namespacesXML File EncodingElementISXmlLocator0;1;2The Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature, RegLocator, IniLocator, ISXmlLocator, CompLocator and the DrLocator tables.The parent file signature. It is also a foreign key in the Signature table.The name of an attribute within the XML element.XPath query that will locate an element in an XML file.FlagsMsiDriverPackagesReferenceComponentsInstallation sequence numberDriver package flags.:ALLUSE~1|All UsersTARGETDIRALLUSERSPROFILE.:Admint~1|AdminToolsAdminToolsFolder.:APPLIC~1|Application DataAppDataFolder.:Common~1|CommonAppDataCommonAppDataFolder.:Common64CommonFiles64Folder.:CommonCommonFilesFolder.:DesktopDesktopFolder.:FAVORI~1|FavoritesFavoritesFolder.:FontsFontsFolder.:Global~1|GlobalAssemblyCacheGllays (time in milli-seconds), separated by [~] delmiters, to wait before taking the corresponding Action. Terminate with [~][~]Foreign key into the Shortcut tableCanonical string representation of the Property Key being setString representation of the value in the propertyISAliasISCEAppAppNameCompanyNameDefDirIconPathDeviceFileDesktopTargetDirDeleteMediaInstallNetCFInstallSQLServerInstallSQLClientInstallSQLDevPreXMLPostXMLNoUninstallSPCFilePVKFileRawDeviceFileInstallNetCF2InstallSQLServer2InstallSQLClient2InstallSQLDev2DirKeyISCEDirDirParentDirValueExtKeyISCEFileExtCEInstallKeyISCEInstallCEAppNameCEDesktopDirCEIniFileKeyCECabsCEIcoFileBuildSourcePathISCEOtherAppCABsRegKeyISCERegistryProcessorPlatformOverwriteSetupFileKeyISCESetupFileShtCutKeyISCEShtCutDestinationStartScreenIconPackageISChainPackageSourcePathProductCodeInstallConditionRemoveConditionInstallPropertiesRemovePropertiesIntegerPackage_ISChainPackageDataFilePathISComCatalogObject_ISComCatalogAttributeItemNameItemValueForeign key into the ISComCatalogObject table.ISComCatalogObjectThe named attribute for a catalog object.A value associated with the attribute defined in the ItemName column.CollectionNameISComCatalogCollectionA unique key for the ISComCatalogCollection table.A catalog collection name.ISComCatalogCollection_ISComCatalogCollectionObjectsThe display name of a catalog object.A unique key for the ISComCatalogObject table.ComputerNameISComPlusApplicationISAttributesDepFilesInstallShield custom attributes associated with a COM+ application.Foreign key into the Component table that a COM+ application belongs to.Computer name that a COM+ application belongs to.List of the dependent files.ISComPlusApplication_ISComPlusApplicationDLLDLLAlterDLLCLSID of the COM+ application component.A unique key for the ISComPlusApplicationDLL table.Foreign key into the ISComPlusApplication table.ProgId of the COM+ application component.Filename of the COM+ application component.Alternate filename of the COM+ application component. Will be used for a .NET serviced component.InstallShield custom attributes associated with a COM+ application proxy.ISComPlusProxyForeign key into the Component table that a COM+ application proxy belongs to.Foreign key into the ISComPlusApplication table that a COM+ application proxy belongs to.A unique key for the ISComPlusProxy table.ISPathISComPlusProxyDepFileForeign key into the File table.Full path of the dependent file.ISComPlusApplicationDLL_ISComPlusProxyFileForeign key into the ISComPlusApplicationDLL table.OSISComPlusServerDepFileý˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙